Aplikasi QRIS
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Transaction Scheme & QRIS settlement fees

One QR Code for all Payments

Fee Scheme for Each QRIS Transaction

InterActive QRIS in 1 transaction has a limit of up to 20 million.

Info FEE InterActive QRIS
Total cost MDR for Each Transaction QRIS
  • Merchant discount rate (MDR) namely the rate charged to Merchant SMB by banks In accordance with standards set by Bank Indonesia.

Transaksi Reguler (Transaksi pembelian barang)


  • 0,7% MDR


  • Transaksi Senilai Rp 100.000 X 0,7%
  • 0,7% dari Rp 100.000 = Rp 700 JADI
  • Uang Bersih yang didapatkan Rp 100.000 - Rp 700 = Rp 99.300

Transaksi Bidang Pendidikan


  • 0,6% MDR


  • Transaksi Senilai Rp 100.000 X 0,6%
  • 0,6% dari Rp 100.000 = Rp 600 JADI
  • Uang Bersih yang didapatkan Rp 100.000 - Rp 600 = Rp 99.400

Transaksi di SPBU


  • 0,4% MDR


  • Transaksi Senilai Rp 100.000 X 0,4%
  • 0,4% dari Rp 100.000 = Rp 400 JADI
  • Uang Bersih yang didapatkan Rp 100.000 - Rp 400 = Rp 99.600

Transaksi Yayasan / Organisasi


  • 0% MDR
  • Wajib atas nama Yayasan / Organisasi sosial, donasi tidak diperbolehkan atas nama pribadi.
Info FEE InterActive QRIS
QRIS Settlement Fee Scheme

Settlement is a transfer of funds to a account Merchant SMB for 1x transfer in 1 day.

skema settlement interactive QRIS

In addition to Bank BCA, Mandiri & BRI, there will be an additional SKN fee of IDR 2,900 / settlement.

So other than Bank BCA, Mandiri & BRI the total Settlement Admin Fee is 3,000 + SKN 2,900 = IDR 5,900

Info Settlement QRIS
Settlement Process or Fund Disbursement to Merchant Account

The settlement process or disbursement of InterActive QRIS funds to merchant accounts is carried out only on working days & hours. On Saturday Sunday and holidays or collective leave there is no settlement process.

  • Settlement process or disbursement of funds only on working days & hours
  • Saturday Sunday and holidays or joint leave there is no settlement process
  • Working days & hours from Monday to Friday 09.00-17.00

Bank Indonesia requires all non-cash payment service providers to use the QRIS system on January 1, 2020.

Get One QR Code for All Payment Transactions at every merchant only with InterActive QRIS

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